The Importance Of Emerging Technology In The Classroom

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Children love to explore and see the sights that are new to them. They enjoy new experiences because they love to see how their own interactions affect the world around them. They use their bodies and a wide range of tools to discover the area beneath their feet. The variety of tools ranges from a pen and paper to a tablet or IPad. James Paul Gee discusses the benefit of gaming on the developing mind, in his essay Games, Not School, are teaching kids to think. He explains in detail that video games are the ones to teach our children not only the needed facts, but how to manipulate them. To others, though, it’s about the way technology is used in the classroom. Ryan Lytle has discussed in his article, Study: Emerging technology has positive …show more content…

The people and tools used around children help define who they are and who they will grow to be. In the past, children have been taught in what we now call the “traditional way”, the children enter the classroom and listen to the teacher talk. A child mind is supposed to expand like that of their parents, yet we find that they are unable because of the vast amount of technology. Concentration is at a minimum so the amount of effort is indistinguishable in the assignments given to them. Lytle’s article discusses high schoolers in an AP calculus classroom who have gained higher test scores that students in the past, “In the 2010-11 school year the students scored an average of 4.11 on the AP calculus test, compared to the 3.59 average among the students who took the test and were taught in the traditional classroom the year before.” The test scores prove that technology betters the student. The children who were taught with technology put forth more effort because the required information was presented in a way that engaged and motivated the students. The teacher got their brain gears rolling in ways that hasn’t happened since video

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