Immediate And Long-Term Effects Of Media On Individuals And Technology

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Technology has developed into highly useful, effective pieces of equipment and machinery. With various uses, it has molded its way into peoples’ lives and daily routines. Now, technology has turned away from being simply a material object and has become a human’s lifeline and friend. Technology is a drug. It consumes people of all ages and weaves itself into the lives of people and can even become addictive. In 2007, Apple invented the iPhone. The iPhone instantly grew in popularity and began to spread internationally. What was once seen as a technological gadget now has become a personal assistant. New and improved versions of the phone have been created and the latest is the future iPhone 8, which is said to be released in September 2017. …show more content…

Effects are either short-term or long-term. The iPhone 8 presents immediate attitudinal effects such as opinion creation and change. In W. James Potter’s book “Media Literacy,” the chapter titled “Immediate and Long-Term Effects of Media on Individuals and Institutions” explains how opinion creation occurs when, “The media provide information and images that create a new opinion” (Potter 405). People develop opinions about the iPhone 8 or from news and stories conveyed through the iPhone 8. Furthermore, people’s entertainment habits and consumption of news stories are formed through creating opinions. This can change the nature of how people interact with others, especially the likelihood of increasing interaction with people who hold similar beliefs and values. Potter also states that “…media can change a person’s attitudes about something by presenting information that challenges an existing attitude” (Potter 405). Opinions change for various reasons. The iPhone 8 may embed new ideas and beliefs into peoples’ minds, telling them they must change their opinions to fit-in, stay updated, or obtain correct information. Human interaction is altered, because differing opinions can affect relationships and can lead to disagreements and prejudice. There are also long-term effects the media has on behavior …show more content…

People learned that it is acceptable to satisfy their own desires and needs. As Julia T. Wood states in “Gendered Media,” “Media encourage us to consume” (Wood 280). We live in a consumer driven society where individuality doesn’t fully exist. Society is manipulated to continuously buy and shape their personal lives around products. In “Advertising and Consumer Culture,” author Douglas Kellner explains this notion as a “commodity self.” Here, personalities are shaped by advertising certain products that adhere to consumers’ beliefs and values (Kellner 1). People form their image around the products they purchase. Wood says if people buy certain material objects, they will feel “sexy, cool, and desirable” (Wood 280). Some people will purchase the iPhone 8 simply to fit these

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