Reflection On Inclusivity

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Throughout this semester I have been determined to engage with this course as a whole. I have attended and engaged with all lectures, tutorials and excursions. This is not because I have had to attend but because I have never been this interested and motivated to attend. In addition to this I have followed up on my learning by looking further into inclusivity. I have done this by reading the articles and resources that have been provided by Peter and Richard on Black Board and in class, such as the Welcome to Holland article and the articles outlining how schools are failing students with disabilities. I have contributed to every tutorial and have therefore taken an active role in this semester. In each session I have collaborated with others, I have asked questions to clarify my understanding of inclusivity and I have ensured that I am a valued member of this class. Each week, both in class and out, I have tried my hardest to take on what I have learnt in this course and be an inclusive person. Whether that is when I am working with my peers in a group, teaching students in a classroom (on placement or as a teacher …show more content…

My knowledge of inclusivity, diversity and of some disabilities and disorders has been built upon throughout this course. Prior to this course my understanding of inclusivity was celebrating diversity in the classroom. This idea of celebrations is still a concept that I will use proudly in my classroom, however, now at the end of the semester my knowledge of what inclusivity is has been unpacked further. All of our special guests as well as Richard and Peter have not only taught me what it means to be inclusive but they have also shown me a new way to look at inclusivity and diversity. I now know the importance of seeing the child first and not the disability or disorder. And thanks to all of my peers’ brochures, I have been educated on some disabilities and disorders that may become a part of my

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