How Does Colors Alter Our Moods

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How do colors influence how we feel? There are several studies that investigate how colors alter our moods. My goal for this research project is to take the ideas and findings from these studies and present them in a way easily understood. I understand that this subject may not speak to all and that these statements are mainly a matter of perception. I hope you enjoy!

I am sure most people have heard the expressions; seeing red, feeling blue, and green with envy. These are all good examples of our emotional colors. Colors are just one more way to label how we feel. So what makes us feel the way we do? For each person and each day-to-day event, there is going to be different emotions. Maybe the weather speaks to your emotional side. Dark gloomy days may make you feel tired or reclusive. What makes us feel this way? There are some individuals out there that believe it may have something to do with the dark grey color filling the sky. Whereas the rainy skies may bring us down, a bright sunny day has the power to turn that frown upside down.

There are so many different emotions you can feel, going from one extreme to the other. On one hand you have your positive group of feelings. Intelligence, calm, ambitious, refreshed, optimistic, secure, and strength are all words someone could use to describe how they feel while in a positive state of mind. On the other hand someone who is dealing with a more negative situation may use words such as inferior, cold, bored, fearful, deprived, or defiant.

When it comes to labeling certain feelings with colors there are a few differences in studies but it seems that there are many more common occurrences.
Starting with the color red, this is probably the most complicated colors to understand...

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... dry sense of humor and resist any sort of change.
Next we have type three, Fire-light. Echoing the natural patterns of autumn. They are like type one and eternally motivated. Seen as very strong and intense, bossy, and tedious, their goal, in a sense, is to save the world.
Type four is Star-light. Echoing the natural patterns of winter. This type automatically command respect and can be seen as unfriendly and materialistic. They are internally motivated and have the gift of delegation. This type of person is very goal driven and are not detoured easily.
As I have said before, we experience so many different emotions. We all address and react to them in different ways. I feel if we was more aware of our personality types and the different factors that influence our emotions, maybe we could learn to cope with our issues and celebrate our wins in a much healthier way.

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