How Did the Holocaust Affect Elie Wiesel's Writing?

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How did the Holocaust affect Elie Wiesel’s Writing?

World War II, known as the largest armed conflict in history, began in Europe in the 1930s and led to effect many people. The war resulted in not only the involvement of more countries than any other war but also introduced powerful, new, nuclear weapons that also contributed to the most deaths. As Hitler rose to power in 1933 the Holocaust began, his quest for the ‘perfect’ race resulted in the use of concentration camps, which would help to create the largest genocide of people in history.

In Sighet, Transylvania in Romania Elie Wiesel was born to his parents Sarah Feig and Shlomo Wiesel on September 30, 1928. In Sighet, his family lived in a close-knit Jewish community where his father ran a grocery business. Wiesel along with his three sisters were raised in the Hasidic sect of Judaism, which his mother’s family belonged to. Since he was the only son he was well educated in the Talmud, which are a collection of Jewish laws. Although Wiesel was fascinated with Hassidic traditions, his father wanted him to concentrate on his s...

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