How Did Colonialism Contribute To Oppression Essay

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How did colonialism contribute to oppression?
Colonialism contributed to oppression in Africa by European powers and favoritism. Educational and health institutions developments were deliberately blocked or hindered. Colonialism contributes to oppression in African American in the United States through the lack of political and economic power. Colonialism contributed to making slavery well organized and a larger scale which caused which caused African American to be oppressed (Marsiglia & Kulis 2015).

How did genocide contribute to oppression?
Genocide is deliberate killing of a particular cultural, ethnic, national, racial or religious group. The attempt to kill and/or control Native Americans contributed to their oppression. Native Americans …show more content…

Through maintaining their culture indigenous people are able to meet their basic needs and advance economically and socially. Indigenous people maintaining their culture is remembering the past, understanding the present, and preparing for the future.
How did slavery in the civil rights movement impact African-Americans culturally?
Religion was the only right most slaves were able to preserve. It was a way of survivor for slaves. That made religion a major part African American culture then and now. Religion provided cohesiveness among the slaves that helped African American culture fight against slavery. Due to slavery the African American cultural continue generational legacy of mistrust toward people outside the African American community (Marsiglia & Kulis 2015).
How was annexation a form of oppression?
Annexation is “the taking of an area already occupied by another group, either through military action or the invitation of residents living there” (Marsiglia & Kulis 2015). An example of annexation that was a form of oppression is when the United States forced Mexico to give up a third of its national territory. The Mexican’s lost their land, their right to speak Spanish, maintain religion and culture were taken away. This is a form being a form of oppression is when a group of people land is taken and they are treated like second class

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