Hoping for Intelligence in "Flowers For Algernon"

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Have you ever attempted something that you were really looking forward to? Something that would be a life-making opportunity for you? Well, Daniel Keyes writes about a retarded man who has a potent dream of becoming smart. This man is Charlie Gordon, or the main character in Flowers For Algernon. Becoming intelligent is Charlie's most important desire! He does not care about having to cope with any operations to make his dream happen! He struggles and perseveres throughout a big portion of his life in order to improve upon his limited abilities. Surely, the chance to become more intelligent, even if only temporary is not an evil act. It is an opportunity for him to experience a snapshot of a life with intelligence and make contributions to society the way the majority of us have the God given right to do on a daily basis.

Charlie Gordon's operation was not an evil act, rather it was a well deserved glimpse at the life of an intellectual adult. He was chosen by the Dr. Strauss, Dr. Nemur, and recommended by his teacher, Miss Kinnian due to the fact the he was a perfect volunteer. Dr...

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