Homestead Act Essay

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On May 20th of 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed, and put into effect, the Homestead Act of 1862. The Homestead Act opened up more than half a million square miles in the Western half the the United States during the Civil War. The Homestead Act was a major turning point in American History. It was a huge milestone for American history because its consequences included implications during the Civil War, but also paved the way for westward expansion within the United States. The Homestead Act of 1862 stated that, “..any person who is the head of the family.. be entitled to enter one quarter section or less quantity of unappropriated public lands..” In other words, President Abraham Lincoln signed a document which allowed families, that …show more content…

In his autobiography, Agre speaks highly of Abraham Lincoln and his signing of the Homestead Act. “In 1862 Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, a bill opening one half million square miles of territory in the western United States for settlement. The Homestead Act offer new arrivals from other countries the opportunity to stake and develop farms of 160 acres by simply working the land for five years. Although they were only in their teens and early twenties, my great grandparents individually left their villages in Norway and Sweden between 1875 and 1885 and migrated to western Minnesota and South Dakota. Similar to the protagonists in the epics of Ole Rolvaag and Vilhelm Moberg, they worked rich farmland, married, raise families, and achieved prosperity unattainable at that time in …show more content…

This first homestead bill was proposed by Republicans in the North, before the Civil War. It was overcome in the Senate by 1 vote because the Senate was filled with Southern Democrats who wanted to keep the Western territories open, or more or less save it for current, or future slave owners. Then, in the following year, 1859, there was another bill that was introduced, but sadly vetoed by President James Buchanan. In 1861 the South seceded from the union, President Abraham lincoln took office, and the Homestead Act was high on his agenda. The now then Republican filled Congress passed the Homestead Act bon May 20, 1862. The Homestead Act of 1862 was definitely a turning point in history because it was one of the first major movements by President Lincoln to move towards the ending of slavery. Although this was not a direct action, it was something Lincoln hoped would help dissipate

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