Homelessness In Society: The Issue Of Homelessness In America

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The issue of homelessness in America has been an ongoing argument within the nation for years upon years. Trying to find a balance of how much or little support should be given to this underprivileged demographic of people has caused much conversation and debate in not only government, but in society also. It has become a question of ethics, in all actuality. Is it morally right or even beneficial to help these individuals in need, in order to solve the problem of homelessness, or should we leave it up to them to get themselves out of their situation? I personally believe that stigma that puts sole responsibility on the homeless to mend their own problems derives from the dehumanization and divide that America puts on its citizens of poverty.
Whether if they are labeled to be too lazy, drug addicts, or mentally ill, it always tends to be completely their fault. The perception of homeless people not doing enough or not working hard enough within their lives, also creates individuals not in those circumstances to maintain a superiority complex between the homeless and themselves. With the combination of this and the visual representation of the stereotypical homeless person, citizens further socially distance themselves with the poverty-stricken humans. In addition, this mentality generates the stigma that homeless people are more of a sub-genre of humans rather than just human. Yet, in reality homeless people have the same value of life as any other human being. In fact, they are not always these people who ruin their own lives and end up on the streets, although that can be the case, it’s not the only
Society puts blame on the homeless because there is this perception that they are not willing to help themselves, but actually society does not want to help them either. All people are the problem, all people are to be held responsible. Yet, only the homeless are put exclusionary at fault for something society greatly contributes toward also. In the case of homelessness, the issue created is a joint effort, which means the solution must also be a joint effort. The point I am trying to transpire is in order to solve the problem of homelessness, America as a community, society, government, and an united nation must take responsibility also and do their part in order work toward the resolution of

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