History of Sweden

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I: History of Sweden
Sweden is a country that is known for its neutrality and how they have ran their economy into one of the world's best. The past ten years of Sweden's history has been one that has risen and fallen throughout their economy. Their economy had a major setback about twenty years ago but they went above that and allowed themselves room to grow and get better. The current economic system that Sweden uses is that it tries to make a balance budget so that they do not go back to where they were before and how they were high in debt (Sutherland). The economic system that they use is one where they focus on reform so that they can make things better for themselves and not worse (Sutherland). This Helps Sweden to get to where they want to be and not have high inflation and debt that they do not want to push onto other generations. Sweden's Economy is something that many people are proud of because of the success that it has seen since the fall of what their economy used to be. The way that they run their economy is something that they should be proud of. They came back from a crisis that some would have a hard time coming back from. They have some of the lowest levels of national debt and they also, have a healthy banking system and low inflation (Sutherland). This helps Sweden because it shows that they know exactly what they are doing and know how to do it. a: Global Involvements
Patrik Paulov of GlobalResearch.ca, said that Sweden has been involved with the things that are happening in Syria. This may be because the people that live in Syria have been fleeing and going into countries like Sweden so they thing that they need to help those people and the country that they used to live in (Paulov). This shows us th...

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...he things that their government wants to do for this country. Also, if this country keeps the reforms the way that they have them and try and please the people but at the same time doing what is right for the country then they will have the support and acceptance from the people that live in this country. Some of the monetary and fiscal policies that Sweden uses is that it wants to make sure that Sweden wants to make sure that their policies are transparent and are sustainable for a long period of time (Government.se). Sweden wants to make sure that they have a surplus within the Government sector, have an expenditure ceiling on the central government, strict budget process, and local government balanced budget requirements (Government.se). All of these will make sure that Sweden keeps in the range of where they want to be with their fiscal and monetary policies.

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