Compare And Contrast Emerson And Thoreau

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Thoreau Henry David Thoreau had an immense impact in the world of literature. It is easy to see why after reading just a few of his many literary works. He emphasized on living a simple life and the importance of being one with nature. Ralph Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne also two well-known writers came to share similar beliefs with Thoreau. All three sought out truth and the meaning of life. It is easier to compare Thoreau to Emerson because both emphasized most if not all of their works on nature, the soul, and imagination. Hawthorne’s work in contrast to Thoreau’s is darker and relies on symbolism in which he uses more symbols to represent things like guilt, evil, or God. Thoreau in comparison to Emerson writes about the self, and tests Emerson’s ideas by living at Walden pond, while Hawthorne concentrates on Christian faith which believes man 's sinful nature must be transformed. “To live does not mean you are alive,” Thoreau understood this ever so clearly and is probably what makes him so memorable alongside …show more content…

He often focused on “using more symbols to represent things like guilt, evil, or God” (page number). “The Scarlet Letter” focuses on Hester’s forbidden romance with the town minister. She is forced to wear a scarlet letter A, for she is seen as an adulterer. Hawthorne focuses on the effect that guilt has in his main characters here. Another well-known work of his is “The Minister’s Black Veil.” It is clear to see Hawthorne cares deeply for traditional values. It seems that a lot of his work includes the character of a minister. In “The Minister’s Black Veil,” Hawthorne uses the veil as a representation of guilt and disapproval. The focus on the individual is an idea that can be related to something Thoreau would explore, but it is Hawthorne’s harsh criticism on the individual’s action/behavior that sets him apart. Especially behavior that is not found to be correct according to

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