Hegemonic Masculinity By Micheal Kimmel

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In the views of Micheal Kimmel “hegemonic masculinity” is a socially constructed process where men are pressured by social norms of masculine ideals to perform behaviors of a “true man” and its influence on young male’s growth. It is the ideology that being a man with power and expressing control over women is a dominant factor of being a biological male. The structure of masculinity was developed within the 18th to 19th century, as men who owned property and provided for his family with strength related work environments was the perfect example of being a generic “American man.” Kimmel introduces Marketplace Manhood and its relation to American men. He states, “Marketplace Masculinity describes the normative definition of American masculinity. …show more content…

“The Flight from the Feminine” explained by Kimmel demands separation between mother and son as the son develops the “fear of castration.” This meant that if a young adolescent male allowed his mother to show affection or nurture him growing up, he was going to be the splitting image of his mother and become dependent on her which went against the hegemonic masculinity theory that his father so importantly suggested because men were independent dominant beings. This resulted in the development of sexism which Kimmel describes to be the “systematic devaluation of women- in the efforts of the boy to separate from mother” (13) Men would risk the belittlement of women behavior which would represent sexism, to maintain their masculinity and keep themselves included in the male social circle. Sedgwick proposes that another form of masculinity was through femininity and explains how women who express any signs of masculine characteristics run the risk of being less feminine and therefore “butch.” This expresses how masculinity ideals are as well expressed in womanhood or the lack of which argues the patriarchy influence on women’s feminine

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