The Pros And Cons Of Home Birth

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According to the medical dictionary home birth is defined as giving birth to a baby in your place of residence. Home birth can be a planned or unplanned event. These home births are often attended by a certified midwife, family member, doctor, EMTs, and especially doulas. Home and natural births may also be conducted in a birthing center or a special birthing ward of a hospital. There is often debate regarding the topic of home birth vs. hospital birth. The debates may be fueled by common misconceptions due to the medicalization of birth. Even though there is extensive evidence based research on the safe outcomes of home and natural birth, many people still refute the concept. The outcomes for women delivering at home attended by certified …show more content…

This time in life may also be very stressful due to the trend for medicalization of birth. The medicalization of birth is the trend we see in society today. There has been an increase in the use of medical technology. The cesarean section is the most common surgery done in the United States, even higher than a hysterectomy and tonsillectomy. Over one forth of birhs in the United States were cesarean sections. There are major complications that could occur with the increase use of this surgery. For example, the mortality rate is four to ten times higher than a vaginal birth. There is also an increase use other artificial medical interventions such as induction of labor and epidurals. It is hard to explain why women are choosing to deviate from traditional births, but it is a growing societal trend. There is a social outlook to the increase for the medicalization of birth. According to a study, women with higher social status and greater access to education often choose a cesarean birth. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists even stated that c-sections should only be done if the risk of a child being birthed vaginally is higher than going through the surgical process with anesthesia. Even though the guidelines promote going towards vaginal birth, the rates continue to

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