The Pros And Cons Of Aborted Fetuses

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When families are eating dinner the last thing they think about is how and where their food comes from. Even if they did think about it, they would never in a million years guess that what they are consuming could potentially be related to abortions and human fetuses. Apparently some major food companies have been fooling with the genes of human fetal matter in order to create better tasting food products. This sounds grotesque and surely it cannot be true, well it both is, and isn’t true, all at the same time.
The rumors began when a senator tried passing a bill making it illegal to have any kind of human related fetus or abortion material contained in any food or other products made for human consumption. Apparently the senator was humiliated and laughed out of Washington for his bill. However, the question that remains unasked is whether or not the bill held any truth. The fact of the matter is that most Americans probably aren’t familiar with the subject and no-one really knows what our overly processed foods are made with. There is one organization however, whose entire mission is to inform America on the truth on the subject of aborted fetuses and any potential for use of anything going into human bodies. The fact of the matter is that aborted baby material is considered valuable, with things like stem cell research on the rise, whose to say such things aren't possible or already in the works. The organization is called the Children Of God For Life, and is a Christian organization dedicating themselves to pro-life subjects and anything related to information about abortions and what is being done with research in the field. ( Children of God for Life)
The pro-life organization The Children Of God For Life, or COGFL for sho...

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...m, combining it with genes from food and plants to create a completely unique flavor. HEK-293 is surely a ground breaking and controversial topic for the food and biotech industries and the science remains elusive to most of the world. (Martinelli,Karbarz, Gribaudo)
Next time you have dinner with your family, truly appreciate the flavor and quality of the food. Whether any of this is ethical remains an opinion. Religious organizations claim it is malicious to human society and wishes one to avoid these products. Biotechnology companies such as Senomyx tell us that all of it is ethical, and perhaps it is. The future of the biotechnology industry is hard to see but surely the flavorings we all experience must come from somewhere. While the reality may not be as extreme as the subject may infer, keep in mind that the rumors are both true and false all at the same time.

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