Electronic Commerce And E-Commerce

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About Ecommerce Electronic commerce is commonly known as the e-commerce or ecommerce is a type of industry where the buying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce works on technologies such as the mobile commerce, electronic funds transfers, internet marketing, online transactions processing, electronic data interchange (EDI) management systems and automated data collection systems, modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at one point in the transactions life – cycle When online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows the customers who can directly buy goods or service from the seller over the internet using the web browser. There are many alternative names for shopping online e-web store, e-shop, e-store, internet shop, web-shop and online store. Mobile commerce which describes purchasing from online retailers mobile optimized online site or using an app. An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks and clicks retailer or shopping centre. The process is called business to consumer (B2C) online shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business this is called business to business (B2B) online shopping. There are many online retailing corporations such as amazon.com and EBay. Retails success is no longer all about the physical stores this is because of the increase in the retailers now offering online store interfaces from customers. With the growth of online shopping, comes a wealth of new markets footprint coverage opportunities for stores that can appropriately cater to offshore markets demands and service requi... ... middle of paper ... ... on your PayPal account and bank details would be private. Transfer money You would will be able to send money through PayPal. Users would be able to instantly transfer money to themselves, this would save a lot of time just with few clicks. App The application where it makes it easier for the user to shop and transfer money whenever they want to. You would be able to send money, pay for any purchase made; this would let you review your transaction history. Online auction PayPal is mainly used for eBay, PayPal is used with the online auction, you would be able to place bids and make the purchase safely. Ebay bidders have more protection than most credit card holders when it comes online shopping sites Cost There is no charge for using PayPal it is free for users using it, it gives the users advantage to the users using the service and don’t have to pay

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