Analysis Of Guadalupe The Sex Goddess

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Guadalupe the Sex Goddess
Guadalupe the sex Goddess is a piece of work constituting a collection of Americas Goddess. In an essay referred to as Guadalupe the sex Goddess, Sandra Cisneros explains her own youthful distress with her body particularly the sexual makeup. She openly explains her discomfort towards discussing sex related matters and birth control. The culture surrounding her is full of denial as it advices girls not to get pregnant but does not outline how not to. Cisneros shows her lamentations when she observes the virgin of Guadalupe who actually is her role model and a woman whom they share the same aspects like skin color. Above all she states that the virgin of Guadalupe is not even the mother of God but to her, she resembles …show more content…

The erotic power is a source within us that lies deep lying a female emotional understanding. The power is based on their unexpressed or unrecognized feeling. In order to propagate itself, every oppression must eliminate the sources of power within the culture of the oppressed that can provide energy for change. For women, claiming their right to sexual pleasure and understanding their sexuality without fear and embracing it with their own terms and conditions will provide the necessary power to emerge from the cocoon of sexuality …show more content…

she goes ahead to talk about the negative effects that might come about as a result giving herself as an example. she admits mistaking sex for love as a result of not having been taught enough on the subject. She describes culture as being demanding and as a result leading to the misinformation of teenage girls on sexual issues Cisneros explains how she was a graduate student yet shy to talk about sex and imagines how hard it would have been for a younger girl in middle school, she will end up being misinformed by her peers.
In conclusion the reading on the Guadalupe the sex Goddess by Sandra Cisneros confirms that gender is neither biological nor natural but learned. The study is quite insightful as it shows a character who was born and brought up in a home and culture where you are not allowed to discuss sexual matters live alone knowing your private parts. Cisneros, a Latino, was finally able to come into terms with who she was, what formed a woman and what her sexuality was. Once she understood this her sexuality became a huge source of power and not something to be embarrassed over or ashamed

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