Growing Up In a Small Town

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Living and growing up in a small town is better than doing so in a big city. Everyone knows your name; there is a sense of community spirit and just going to visit your neighbor can be rewarding. On the flip side, city life breeds a more dangerous lifestyle and leaves no chance for getting to know your fellow townsfolk. Small town life was especially meaningful to me and I remember it fondly. Things were much simpler back then, because we lived in less complicated times. We did not have video games or computers to occupy our time. We had more natural ways to engage ourselves such as going down to the local watering hole to swim or fish. Living in a farming community gave us an abundance of old barns filled with cobwebs to explore. My friends and I would play on endless summer days in the fields and orchards around our homes as well. All of the adults knew us by name and they acted as a combined parent when we were in their sight. I remember when Mrs. Boone would chase us off the rickety fence surrounding her place. She would shoo us off like flies and then feed us fresh app...

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