Argumentative Essay On Divine Foreeknowledge

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Divine Foreknowledge.

Greek philosophy didn’t have an exact term for "free will" as Latin did, the argument was more about responsibility and things that depend on us. A Peripatetic (taught the methods of Aristotle) philosopher, during the late 2nd century and the beginning of the 3rd century CE. Alexander of Aphrodisias denied three beliefs that were held strong in Greek philosophy, those were; the foreknowledge of fated events, determinism, and necessity. Alexander believed that man is responsible for their own decisions, and have the free will to do something or not. That being said, in one of his short writing, called On Fate, Alexander argues against the Stoic (the Stoics taught that destructive emotions resulted from errors in judgment, and the active relationship between cosmic determinism and human freedom) concept of fate, he did not believe in the idea of the gods being able to know exactly what the future will be. He defends a responsible moral view that we call libertarianism now. Alexander argues in On Fate 22 by saying “When they are examined, the things that appeared are indeed as they …show more content…

It can interfere with human free will, why would some divine god know about something that is bound to happen and doesn’t want it to happen, why would he not interfere? This has happened in our society as well, we do it all the time! For example, something is bound to happen, like a serial killer who has been murdering and raping all these people has been known by the police officials, and they try to interfere with placing this serial killer into jail and in some cases even execute them. The officers would not stop and think if it is unethical for them to stop this one’s free will, but it would concern them more about its past victims and others that can happen if he is not stopped. So yes, divine foreknowledge can interfere with human free

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