Influences In The Great Gatsby

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“"The poet in a poet" is inspired to write by reading another poet 's poetry and will tend to produce work that is in danger of being derivative of existing poetry” (“The Anxiety of Influence”). In literature, it is hard to be original, therefore an author is essentially rewriting another author’s ideas. This idea, The Anxiety of Influence by Harold Bloom, also applies novels. A person can influence an author either consciously or unconsciously. Influence is defined as a person or thing that affects someone or something in an important way (“Influence”). Fitzgerald, author of award winning novel The Great Gatsby, is influenced by his wife, Zelda Sayre, colleage, T.S. Elliot, and friends, Gerald and Sara Murphy. Just like other authors, Fitzgerald There is no looking over the influences on a novel which has had such a great impact on American literature. F.Scott Fitzgerald’s first wife, Zelda Sayre, had a major influence on his writing. Their turbulent relationship has been an inspiration for Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald met Zelda when he was stationed at Camp Sheridan in Alabama. When he was discharged, he moved the New York City to make money, so he could marry. Zelda broke off her with Fitzgerald engagement because she was unwilling to live on a small salary. Zelda’s decisions were driven by money. This relationship is very similar to Jay Gatsby and Daisy’s. Jay Gatsby leaves Daisy because he is sent off to serve in war. He has always loved her and wanted her back, therefore he moves to West Egg and throws large parties to get Daisy 's attention. Jay Gatsby wears expensive suits and drives fancy cars to prove to Daisy that he is well off financially. Although, Daisy is already married to Tom, who is a rich man. Similar to Zelda, Daisy is driven by money. “She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except for me” April is the reveal of new life that is doomed to die again; all good things will die eventually. Eliot suggests that spring is a false hope, considering the flowers will die soon again. F.Scott Fitzgerald repeats this theme in a different approach in The Great Gatsby. F.Scott Fitzgerald uses Daisy and Jay 's relationship to represent this theme. Their relationship begins to ‘blossom’, although evidently it is doomed to die due to Daisy 's marriage. “Daisy is leaving you” (Fitzgerald 159). Daisy is leaving Tom to be with Jay. After losing their connection once, they decide to be together again. Although, a few years later Daisy is told, “Mr Gatsby is dead” (Fitzgerald 199). Their relationship as well as Jay Gatsby, has died. T.S. Eliot and F.Scott Fitzgerald both suggest that all good things will die eventually. (Dekar, Reda). T.S. Eliot’s poem The Waste Land inspired F.Scott Fitzgerald to repeat the theme, all good things will die, in his novel The Great

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