Causes Of The New Deal

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The Great Depression had been a tremendous disaster for American, even to the world people in the 1920s. This kind of disaster was caused by increasing American debts, distribution of wealth, American over-production and under-consumption, problems for farmers and industry and “economy bubble” in the stock market. Because of the so bad economy, millions of people lost jobs and thousands of banks failed. American economy market got an unprecedented magnitude. President Hoover thought out a lot of solvents but they did not work well well to US. Economy. Hoover lost faith in America. Americans were looking for a new leadership and a president who could save the from the Great Depression by the election of 1932. Then Franklin Delano Roosevelt won the Hoover with his idea of “new deal”. He helped the US.overcame difficulties and recovered US’s economy market. When FDR was electing, he said "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people." The main idea of new deal focused on what historians call the "3 Rs": Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is Relief for the unemployed and the poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression. The “new deal” had been separated three parts that were first 100 days, the
A number of the rich, conservatives, numerous businessmen vigorously opposed the New Deal. They thought “The New Deal”obeyed their nation condition and the economy of a capitalism country should not be intervened by government, otherwise, it is a socialism. They were dismayed by his toleration of budget deficits and his removal of the nation from the gold standard, and were disgusted by legislation favorable to labor. Nevertheless, the most prominent left-wing threat to Roosevelt was a Louisiana senator, Huey P. Long, who claimed the New Deal for not doing

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