Two Habits Essay

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Second Nature There are many good habits which benefit our life, but I refer now to those which express our Life. A habit is not an attitude, a belief, or awareness. A habit is the unconscious expression of these states of mind. Ernest Holmes suggests a few attitudes (cheerfulness, thankfulness, and happiness) which we should always express, but he doesn 't suggest what habits might express them. We might express cheerfulness by smiling, thankfulness by generosity and happiness by adding music to the daily routine. The choice is ours. At first, we must be conscious of the fundamentals of Life and choose accordingly, but eventually our choices become second nature. Life 's potential is our primary nature. The actual expression of this …show more content…

Generally, we don 't know all that we 've done, and we can 't undo what 's been done; but we can distinguish between what we do and what we are. Most of us strive to be known for what we do. We identify ourselves by our profession, our possessions and our obsessions! We think these are the unique identifiers in our life, and aside from these, we are just like everyone else. Well, yes; and no. Yes, we are like everyone else; and no, what you do does not make you the unique being you truly are. You are greater than …show more content…

Remember that the Mind cannot, and does not refute or refuse your thought. Remember that the past cannot, and does not become the present; but your present moment does become your past. What you thought, need not be what you think today; but what you think today will be what you thought. It is not necessary to remember, review and relive in order to replace a memory; and that is all we need to do with the negative memories — replace them. I know that understanding is important, or we keep making the same mistakes; but what we must remember is what to do, not what not to do. Knowing what went wrong doesn 't provide the understanding that will set us aright. Only the positive can replace the negative. Only light can replace darkness. Only love can replace hatred. Only knowledge can replace ignorance. We will get much farther knowing what we choose to think, than understanding what we don 't wish to think about any longer. We don 't need to rewrite the past in order to not relive it. We need only make a new memory

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