Global Warming Negative Essay

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Former United Kingdom Prime Minister and current politician Tony Blair once said, “Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it” (“Global Warming Quotes”). As humanity becomes more invested in our technology and resources, we must remember that Earth is not ours to keep; scientists know that global warming is an issue that if not addressed properly could pose negative outcomes for the economy and the health of citizens. For years, scientists have worked on formulas to help predict the future—mostly for weather and climate purposes. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, predicted the average temperature for 2013. When follow-up research was conducted, the NOAA discovered that their prediction was 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit below what the average for the previous century was (“Global Warming & Climate Change”). Now, 1.12 degrees may seem like nothing to be concerned about. However, there will be dire consequences should this …show more content…

There are many negatives effects on society from global warming. First, the economy will eventually be affected. We may not see this now, but in the not-so-distant future it will become a reality. Fossil fuels are a huge part of the economy. They are items formed from a variety of dead plants and animals. Some examples of fossil fuels are coal, fuel oil, or natural gas (“Fossil Fuel Energy”). If humans keep using natural resources like the fossil fuels, which are causing a lot of the global warming issue, we will run out. When this happens, commodities such as oil will become not only rare, but extremely valuable. This will affect the economy in that the oil district will suffer, causing other areas directly connected to suffer as well. The reality that oil is in jeopardy is only one example of how the lack of fossil fuels will affect our future on

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