Elementary Education

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Elementary Education

Before her tragic death in space, Christa McAuliffe left us with her inspirational words, “I touch the future. I teach.” Since I was in second grade, I knew, without a doubt, that I wanted to be a teacher. After considering my options and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher, I came to the conclusion that being an educator was the only profession that would completely satisfy me. Consequently, I have encountered a lot of criticism because of my decision. However, these opinions have only encouraged me to strive to become an extraordinary teacher that will change the lives and instill knowledge into students that will last a lifetime.

Teaching allows a person to obtain so many roles, including a counselor, housekeeper, mommy, daddy, role model, parole officer, nurse, nanny, babysitter, athlete, artist, secretary, referee, computer analyst, psychologist, and a leader. Teachers change lives forever with their influence.

Visualize a block of clay. It has no shape, color, meaning, or hope by itself. Someone has to put forth an effort to pick up the clay and mold it into something beautiful. I believe that the teacher, the potter, takes their students, all variations, intelligences and “colors”, and tries their best to shape them into something better. Each piece of the clay is delicately touched, gently molded, and focused on intensely and determinably. Some clay is harder to mold, but the potter takes more time and effort to shape it into something beautiful and desirable. That piece of clay will never be the same after the potter has touched it.

Encouraging teachers influence us to learn. Learning is the key to everything around us, and knowledge is the po...

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...and very impressionistic, but they easily become bored and discouraged. By integrating exciting lesson plans and activities into the curriculum, I will show all of my students how much fun learning can be. Teachers are bright, charismatic, friendly, honest, organized, polite, caring, involved, reinforcing, well spoken, encouraging, firm, reliable, intelligent, and understanding people. These characteristics describe the kind of teacher that I will be. I want nothing more in the world, but to see a child achieve beyond their set limits and expectations. They are precious gifts that need care and understanding. So many people come in and out of our lives, but teachers are the ones that leave a everlasting impression and mold the future of our society.

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." -Albert Einstein

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