George Orwell Satire

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George Orwell was one of the most influential writers of the 21st century. He wrote books such as 1984 and Animal Farm. These books are political satire designed to inform and war the reader. In Orwell’s works he paints a negative view of a totalitarian form of government. Orwell was born June 25 1903 in Bengal India. His name was Eric Arthur Blair; he adopted the pen name Orwell later on. After about a year his mother took him and his sister back to England. He struggled with sickness as a child often dealing with things like bronchitis and the flu. Orwell began writing at a young age he later attributed this to being lonely as a child. When he was a bit older he was sent off to boarding school at St. Cyprian’s in Eastbourne. It was at boarding …show more content…

1984 is the story of Winston Smith. He lives in a country called Oceania, which is one of three superpowers, which dominate the earth. Winston is a member of the political party in this nation and works at a place called the ministry of truth. His job is to change past news articles as the part pleases. The party has him do this because “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” The party encompasses all aspects of life. It controls all and it sees all. A man simply known as “Big Brother” seemingly leads the Party. His face is plastered everywhere as propaganda all over Oceania with captions like “Big Brother is watching you.” Winston has grown up in this world and is at the beginning a seemingly dedicated member of the party. He slowly starts rebelling though. He buys a diary and writes “Down with Big Brother,” inside of it. This is an example of thoughtcrime, the most illegal act anyone can commit. He spends a lot of his time after this thinking about things from the past, which don’t concur with what the party teaches. He loses his faith in the party little by little and over time begins to try to find a way to oppose it. He starts having an affair with a woman named Julia. Promiscuity is illegal for party members they see this act as a rebellion against big brother. Then one day a man named O’Brien tells Winston and Julia about a group called the brotherhood and …show more content…

Animal Farm tells the epic tale of the Animals living on a farm owner by a man named Mr. Jones. One day a boar by the name of Old Major tells the other animals about a dream he had. He convinces them that all of their issues come from man. He tells them that if they got rid Mr. Jones they would have more food, work less, and all will be equal. He tells them that Mr. Jones doesn 't care about them at all and will kill or sell them all at some point. He says the only way to stop him from doing this is to rise up and rebel against him, but also warns them that they should never become like man and always treat each other equally. Then Old Major dies, the animals decide after a while that Old Major was right and then drive him and all the men off the farm. They name their new farm “Animal Farm.” The pigs decide to take charge and write seven commandments. The animals then begin to work. The pigs supervise as all the other animals do the work. The pigs don 't work but they still get extra food for themselves. Two pigs start to argue over whether or not they should spread their ideas to other farms. These pigs are named Napoleon and Snowball. Eventually Napoleon manages to win by chasing Snowball out of the farm. He then uses Snowball as a source of propaganda. Napoleon proceeds to blame all of the farm’s problems on Snowball. Over time the pigs slowly change the commandments more

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