The Importance of Gender in Marketing

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Gender Marketing Gender Marketing is not about male versus female. It is about understanding your customer and his profile thoroughly. Marketers generally adopt the approach of neutral marketing to play safe; by and large both men and women feel that they have not been targeted by the marketers properly. The marketers should continuously strive for competitiveness and take benefits from the ever changing environment which can be facilitated by the realization of the concept of gender marketing. In this article I will discuss about the changing role of women today and how it has an impact in marketing of products like online selling, car purchase, garment purchase and food & drinks. God has created men and women with absolutely varying qualities. Since ages men have assumed the dominance in all societies, cultures and countries because he is always been the bread earner for the family. But with increasing change in demographics, economics and social changes, women are assuming an important role in a society. The two genders are both very important for the marketers because of their varying needs, behavior and psychology. Marketers generally adopt this approach of neutral marketing which is targeting both men and women simultaneously. They include both the perspective which appeals to both. By and large both men and women feel that this not the right approach and they are not been targeted and served properly by the marketers which has eventually given rise to the concept of gender marketing. Gender marketing is a concept where the marketers study the needs and demands of both the genders separately, and according design a product to cater to them. Marketers have to identify their target customer gender and then devise a marketing strategy accordingly. Gender Marketing is not about male versus female. It is about understanding your customer better in all aspects like • How they want to use your product • What is the level of service they expect from you • What is the price they are comfortable with Many marketers still do not understand the importance of gender marketing which has lead to loss of sale. The basic reason of this concept gaining importance is ‘the changing role of women’. A woman today is not just a homemaker.

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