Gender Discrimination in the Elizabethan Era

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Gender Discrimination was strongly evident in the Elizabethan Era between 1558 and 1603 with women ‘generally’ considered the inferior race and treated with subhuman actions based purely on their gender. Whilst is can be stated that women were treated wrongly is it fair to accuse the male men of that era with gender discrimination when it was what they were brought up to believe? Our morals and beliefs are derived from society’s general perception of right and wrong and in the Elizabethan Era it was considered normal to associate women with being a substandard class of citizens. This essay will attempt to understand what the roles were of men and women were in English society and the implications this had on both genders.

Although the roles between men and women differed to a great extent the acknowledgment that both had rights and responsibilities and that many day to day activities relied on co-operation and a mutual understanding between both genders must be explored. Both male and females of the Elizabethan era had rights in accordance to the law, economy and religion of that time period. Men and women had the ability to sue in a court of justice or be sued, although married women often had to work through their husbands in civil suits. Men and women both participated in the economy which was influential in creating a country that was prosperous and united. Men and women worked in union in the family life, sharing the bringing up of their children and the economic roles that were needed to be maintained. Both had important religious roles to sustain with a common philosophy of the church being that humans had an immortal soul. Women and men worshipped together throughout England in churches and the more religious familie...

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...nt of their character, they achievements and the morals and beliefs that they uphold. For the women of the Elizabethan Era they, to be considered a good person in society had to uphold the common notion of the gender stereotypes. The mediocre way in which they lived had no option of achieving a high position in society in general. They were almost puppeteered by the male population, discriminated even by the very notions that today we expect to hold equality in high esteem such as law and religion.

Works Cited

Greenberg, J. (1975) The Legal Status of the English Women, Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture, quoted in S. Mendelson and P. Crawford (1998), Women in Early Modern England. Clarendom, Oxford, p. 49

The Will of a Seventeenth Century Yeoman. 27 November 1578,Macfarlance, 1970, p215

NCEA Level 3 Revision Guide 2010, Ricky Feutz, AME, published July 2007

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