Dan Clawson And Max Page's The Future Of Higher Education

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Authors Dan Clawson and Max Page discuss some of the issues that can be seen in higher education across the country in their book “The Future of Higher Education.” Among some of the topics they discuss include the decreasing amounts of funds colleges are getting, the rising cost of tuition, and universities becoming less reachable. Clawson and Page analyze these problems and relate them to the neoliberal system universities are turning to. They also touch on issues regarding who is able to attend college, who is excluded from college, and who makes all this happen. As colleges keep raising their prices, students who do not have the funds to pay straight out of their pockets are forced to take out loans. This point is especially discussed in …show more content…

While this film focuses on issues from colleges around the United States, a lot of the problems identified can easily be seen in California’s public universities. Among one of the main issues is the drop in quality of education students are getting and the effect that is having on society. Students are not as prepared as they should be once they graduate college. When they are sent out into the real world to perform various tasks and challenges in their respective fields they underperform. A major reason this is happening is because students are forced to take on jobs that take away a lot of the time that could have been used to study or go to class. For Ceylon Hollis, a former student at Western Kentucky University who was interviewed in the film, work is the main reason she cannot fully commit to school. From Monday to Friday she works at an automotive parts factory just to have some source of revenue to pay for the different costs that come with being a college student. Due to the amount of hours she has to work she regularly misses classes and assignments. Hollis reflects on this by stating, “When you are dead tires you don 't hear that alarm. I don 't care how loud it is you sleep right through it.” If it was up to her she would not work and solely focus on school, but the rising costs …show more content…

There are still ways to challenge this issue though. One major way involves confronting the misconceptions that are tied with neoliberalism. That means knowing about the issues around free market, privatization, and government deregulation. One can also share their knowledge regarding these terms with other people so they know are also informed. The more people that are aware of the goals and beneficiaries of neoliberalism the better. This political ideology is not suited for any social institutions because it only the rich. Through the descent of neoliberalism more resources are available to the public; the way it should

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