Foreclosures: Stop the Downward Spiral

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Record high unemployment, declining home values, and a recessionary climate have plunged the housing industry into a downward spiral. It started with lenient mortgage guidelines that allowed millions of people to achieve the American Dream of owning their own home. Eventually they ended up living beyond their means. Adjustable rate mortgages came due and realizing that they could not afford the jump in mortgage payment, homeowners began to put their homes up for sale. There weren’t enough buyers to keep up with the supply, and mortgages began to go into default. Families across America were faced with the reality that they could no longer afford to keep their homes, and foreclosures began to flood the market, leading the nation into a deep recession.

The government tried to help reduce the supply of homes on the market by introducing the tax incentive program for first-time home buyers. This program was successful in bringing new buyers into the market, but was not enough to diminish the over-supply of homes.

My plan is a proposal to help homeowners continue to be homeowners, help banks create more mortgages that homeowners can afford, and reduce the glut of homes on the market. To illustrate my plan, I would like to introduce you to two families, the Holmes and the Banks.

The Holmes family bought their home in 2005. Interest rates were low and demand was high. They were making their payments and all was well. Then, when the recession hit, Mr. Holmes lost his job. He found another, but was only making half the salary of his former employment. The value of their home was suddenly less than the amount they owed the mortgage company, and they could no longer afford the mortgage payment. Their loan went into def...

... middle of paper ... help turn this around.

Once the plan is fully developed and implemented, a huge piece of the foreclosure crisis will be solved enabling the economy to begin gaining consumer confidence, and continue recovering faster.

Eventually, homeowners will adjust to their new lifestyle and start contributing to the economy. They will hopefully learn from this experience and want to help others in some way.

My plan will speed up the process of getting the millions of homeowners in the various stages of default to be proactive and work with skilled professionals towards a solution. The housing industry would instantly turn around, the tsunami of foreclosures sitting out there in the future would get dealt with quickly, and the inventory of homes sitting empty would get purchased. The turnaround for the housing industry would begin, thus stimulating the economy.

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