Father Son Relationships In The Novel Night By Elie Wiesel

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“My father's presence was the only thing that stopped me. He was running next to me, out of breath, out of strength, desperate. I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his sole support.” This quote from the book night represents the father son relationship in the book written by Elie Wiesel. Elie Wiesel was a famous writer and a Holocaust survivor. He wrote many nonfiction books, and night being one of his most successful. Through this book, Elie Wiesel indicated that when night came bad things happened. Elie, a young Jewish boy, and his family were forced into small ghettos by Nazis during World War II. Elie and his family later departed to the unknown were the Nazis sent them to a concentration camp in Auschwitz. …show more content…

He rarely displayed his feelings, not even within his family, and was more involved with the welfare of others than with his own kin.” This quote describes how Elie’s father is a well-round person who is more concerned over the people within his community than himself. This shows that he is companionate towards his community and is respected by all. He is considerate towards how people act and feel. , and maintains this leader-like role for his community, including his own son Elie. Elie sees his father as a role model and a person who is knowledgeable enough to handle difficult situations, or at least that is what Elie …show more content…

At last, his father was free. He wasn't taking any more beatings, he isn't suffering, and he doesn't have to be in the concentration camps anymore. Elie is free, he doesn't have to carry the weight of his father anymore. Three months after his fathers death nothing mattered to him anymore. The father son relationship shown in this novel, is something no one else has ever seen before. As you can see the roles switch throughout the story. In the beginning Elie’s father is strong, a role model a leader, but through the story he becomes child-like vulnerable, weak. On the other hand, Elie goes from admiring his dad, to worrying and carrying for

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