Inescapable Fate in Oedipus Rex

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In Oedipus Rex, fate is something that unavoidably befalls two characters. The gods decide Oedipus and Jocasta’s fate even before they know it. Trying to avoid destiny is pointless because no matter what, it will catch up to you where ever you are. It is often thought that you can change your destiny, but in reality our fate was put into action the day we were born.
Throughout the play, Oedipus tries to change his fate. When he confirms through two messengers and an oracle that he is destined to marry his mother and kill his father, he completely panics. He knows that is something he definitely wants to avoid, so he decided he would attempt to change his fate. But at that time, he did not realize that your fate is your fate and it will not change.

When Oedipus realizes what his future holds he decides to avoid it at all costs. As a result, he picked up and ran away. He decided not to tell his parents he was leaving so that he could avoid hurting their feelings. When he was on his journey to Thebes there were people coming towards him and they …show more content…

So if he had not have been so set on changing his fate, then that awful fate the oracle predicted, might not have come true as he imagined. In this instance, Sophocles proves that you cannot change your fate because it has already been decided. The gods knew that Oedipus would try and run away and that was part of the fulfillment of his fate. But Oedipus is not the only character that had his fate rule over his own plans.
Jocasta, Oedipus’s mother and wife also tried to run from her fate. When she had her son Oedipus, she and her husband found out the prophesy of their son. They also understood the pain that would be inflicted upon them because of their son. An oracle told them the horrid future of what Oedipus would have ahead of them, so Jocasta did the only thing she could think of to avoid

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