Family Ties: Navigating Love and Loss

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Family Relationships Family of Origin: Mr. Avery stated that he was born in Dallas, Texas. His parents were Burkes Williams and Irene Avery. He reported that his parents were never married and separated when he was young. He stated that his father was killed when he was around 2 years of age. His mother later remarried to Mr. John Shepard. Mr. Avery stated that he had a good relationship with his stepfather growing up and continued throughout adulthood; however he and his mother separated when he was 15 years age. Mr. Shepard passed away from natural causes 6 years ago. Mr. Avery also reported that his mother passed away 5 years ago from cancer. Overall, Mr. Avery stated that he grew up in a supportive household that was free from abuse. …show more content…

and Ms. Martinez were interviewed separately, and were both are equally supportive of having the child placed in their home. Family Functioning Kinship caregiver health (physical, mental and emotional of each kin caregiver Mr. Avery stated that he takes the medications Metformin and Glimeprd for his diabetes He stated that he last had a physical checkup 6 months ago. Mr. Avery stated that he has not had any major hospitalizations, and that his health conditions will not prevent him from taking care of the child placed. Ms. Martinez stated that she takes the medication Levothyroxine for Thyroid condition. She stated that she overall health and last had a checkup a year ago. He stated that he last had a physical checkup 6 months ago. Mr. Martinez stated that she has not had any major hospitalizations, and that her health conditions will not prevent her from assisting taking care of the child placed. Family rules and boundaries: Ms. and Ms. Martinez stated that would respect the child’s right to privacy and accommodate his needs. They stated they have no significant requirements of the child, just want to ensure they provide a safe environment for him. Handling Stress and Expressing Negative …show more content…

A complete walk through of the home was completed. Mr. Avery and Ms. Martinez occupy the master bedroom. This interviewer was shown where the child would sleep. The room was fully furnished, including bed and closet space. Overall, adequate space was observed both inside and outside of the home. Furthermore, the home was safe. Working smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher were located in the home. The home is on about 20 acres of mostly grass and has a pond located in far front yard. No recreational equipment was found in the backyard, where Mr. Avery has a mechanic shop where cars and various tools such a BBQ pits are located. The family was advised to never allow the child to wander by himself outside and that they must accompany at all times, as he get solder and want to play outside. Cleaning materials were under the sink. No alcohol was viewed in the home. Medication was stored in a medicine cabinet in the master bathroom. The family owns 2 dogs, 1 female Sheppard mixed and one male laborer mixed. The female dog is fully vaccinated and spayed. They stated that they just received the male dg and will get him full vaccinated well in upcoming weeks. The child’s parents reside about a hour and half away from the

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