The Importance Of Gastronomy

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Gastronomy, as described by Santich (1996), is not only the food and drinking practices involved, it extends towards the philosophies and values attached. The how, where, when and why of consumption is therefore not only symbolic, as in the context of a marker of social distinction (Kim, Eves, & Scarles, 2009), but could also be emotional and provocative, providing us a ‘sense of self’ within this apparent banality (Lupton, 2005). In recent times, the modern world has experienced major societal changes in attitude towards the significance of food, as is the vitality it holds in tourism development (Mitchell & Hall, 2003). Gastronomy in this case does not only offer the basic supplement of life, it is also seen as an indispensable part of the …show more content…

Despite the dominance of the widespread phenomenon, there is also a growing countervailing force that has sprouted within – the demand for terroir. It has been suggested that terroir is the sense of and taste of place, and the exclusivity of the produce lies in the holistic combination of soil, climate, topography, and the ‘soul’ of the cultivator (A. Trubek, Guy, & Bowen, 2010). There has certainly been a heightened interest in sustainability and getting back in nature amongst tourists and has been viewed as priority in promoting regional destinations, in Australia and Canada ("There 's Nothing Like Australia," 2016; A. B. Trubek, 2008; A. B. Trubek, Lemasson, & Jordan, 2010). The idea of locality intersects with terroir perfectly as consumers understand “local” as vastly superior and different from the corporate products. As a result, they would much rather contribute in reducing ‘food miles’ and assimilate themselves with the environment and what it …show more content…

It is obvious that gastronomy plays a huge role in the advancement of the world economy and conscience of the society. Despite that, it is worth noting that gastronomy, in the hospitality and tourism context, still lacks empirical studies addressing its importance (Kivela & Crotts, 2006). As described by Scarpato, Hjalager, and Richards (2002), gastronomy remains a part of ‘grey area’ within cultural tourism. All things considered, gastronomic tourism remains one of the most exciting field to invest our attention in as its growing stature on a global scale

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