Food Plate Case Study

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Key findings:
1. There is a lot of possibilities to choose nutritionally and environmentally good raw materials to the plate. Wide amount of raw materials gives possibility to form nutritionally rich and environmentally friendly lunch plate.
2. By changing little bit the raw materials can be a significantly change the nutritional and environmental value of meal.
3. The carbon footprint and eutrophication potential are to a greater extent bound together.
4. The consumption amount of each raw material is the most important factor affecting the nutritional and environmental impact of the meal. Example..
5. The intake of toxic substances can be minimized by eating a wide variety of food and avoiding consuming just one ingredient in large quantities.
7. Consumers can reduce the environmental impact by selecting environmentally friendly food items.
8. The “Foodplate” web application is a good tool to illustrate how to put together a healthy and …show more content…

It is likely, that this trend will continue although at a low rate for many substances. This is because of their extremely slow degradation and capability to be transported far from their initial sites of emissions and releases. Many substances may also be released from the products during their use and long after their disposal. The awareness of environmental impacts of substances released from anthropogenic activities is much higher today than only few decades ago. The future concentrations of the contaminants in the environment and biota are strongly dependent on the human activities. Restrictions, substitutions and banning may decrease the concentrations for many substances in the long run. It has to be in mind thought, that for some contaminants, especially for those that are easily long range transported, restrictions should be made globally in order to achieve the objectives for the

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