Extraordinary Claims: Examining the Effects of Magnet Therapy

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Magnets have a long history in medical applications. In 18th century Europe, the use of magnets was just another type of what we now call “faith healing.” To this day, people continue to experiment with magnetic therapy. The magnetic devices that are claimed to be therapeutic include: magnetic bracelets, insoles, knee and wrist bands, back and neck braces, and even pillows and mattresses. Magnetic therapy has become so common that a Google search for “magnets and pain relief” returns over 700,000 results. Some advocates of magnetic therapy claim magnets to be a strong alternative to conventional pain medication. But are magnets a legitimate form of medicine? Besides the use of magnets in everyday life—in televisions, refrigerators and computers—magnets have acquired a medical reputation for relieving pain. Magnets are said to increase circulation to problem areas, reduce swelling and aid in recovery. As of 2007, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCAM) had performed a number of preliminary scientific studies with no clear results on the efficacy of the healing powers of magnetic devices. Just as important, NCAM, continues to pronounce magnet therapy as a mystical form of relief that is very real but cannot yet be explained. Still, magnet merchants dominate internet searches. As explained by Cepeda, Carr and Sarquis, “…it is crystal clear that billions of dollars [$300 million in the U.S. alone] have already been spent on magnet therapy, or perhaps, wasted on magnet therapy. To be blunt, there is no proven benefit to magnet therapy.” This paper will examine the legitimacy of magnet therapy, the pseudoscience that acts as evidence to its supporters and the science that challenges its fac... ... middle of paper ... ...D Carr, and T Sarquis. "Static magnetic therapy does not decrease pain or opioid requirements: a randomized double blind trial." Anesthesia & Analgesia 104 (2007): 290-294. 2. Harlow, T, and C Greaves. "Randomized controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee." BMJ 329 (2004): 3. "Magnets." US Food and Drug Administration. 8 May. 2012. . 4. Mook, Douglas G. Classic experiments in psychology. Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. 5. Ruscio, John. Critical Thinking in Psychology: Seperating Sense from Nonsense. Wadsworth Publishing, 2005. 6. Smith, Randolph A. Challenging Your Preconceptions: Thinking Critically About Psychology. Wadsworth Publishing, 2001. 7. Stanovich, K E. How to think straight about psychology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2001

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