The Expo 2020 in Dubai: ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’

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World Expos hold as a meeting point for people all over the world, where innovative ideas are shared and improve on issues that are internationally important, such as the global economy, or even an enhanced life for the world’s population. Expo 2020, which will be held in the heart of Dubai, will be one big step towards efficient development. The Expo will be held in the name of ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.’ Their goal is to connect people and innovative ideas, leading the people of the world towards a better tomorrow. The Expo may have a gigantic effect on a country and its people, but it also has some downsides. Many employees in Dubai have a different opinion on how the Expo 2020 might affect the country. Abdulla Al Majeed, currently employed at Etisalat, argues how the Expo has its pros and cons. One benefit is that Dubai will have many foreign visitors which will cause the economy to bloom drastically. Dubai will have approximately 25 million visitors; therefore Dubai will make a large amount of money from all of these visitors. Another benefit is that it will provide approximately 270,000 new jobs in Dubai, as stated by the government of Dubai. While the Expo can be beneficial, one downside to it is that the traffic in Dubai will increase by a large amount. Since 25 million people will be visiting Dubai, all the roads will be packed. Mohammad Wael, head of Obaidulla contracting, gave up some of his free time to answer a couple of my question. He stated that it has been hard in the last couple of years for engineers in general. The work load they have been receiving was much lower than what engineers are accustomed to, but because of the Expo 2020 that has changed. Because of the Expo, new hotels, houses, roads, and anything an engineer is responsible for are going to be built. The only disadvantage he could think of is that since there will be many new houses and hotels, and since they are being built for visitors, after the end of the Expo, there will not be enough people to occupy all these houses. It is true that there will be large amount of people moving to live in Dubai, but the numbers will not be equivalent to the amount of visitors. Sara Haddad, employed as an architect, is a married woman and has two children of her own.

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