Lego Movie Reflection

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The Lego Movie is a 3D computer animated film directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. While the film features a few live-action scenes, it is primarily an animated film. Based on the line of Lego toys, the story revolves around an ordinary Lego named Emmet, who out of sheer luck finds the piece of resistance and turns out to be the ‘special ’. He and the master builders band together to stop Lord Business from gluing everything in his vision of perfection. In the film everyone in the Lego world lives by instructions, from the moment their day starts till the end.The film poses a good question of identity, of who we are without the ‘instructions’ of society .This is not just a great children's movie, but it borrows many philosophical concepts …show more content…

So when he meets and gets rescued by Wyldstyle and she tells him that he’s “the most important, most talented, most interesting and most extraordinary person in the universe.” He lies and said he is because he wants to be accepted and loved. Throughout the film starts to think that maybe he could potentially be something more than ordinary. He begins to question who he is. Could he be a master builder? Can he help save the day? And then towards the last 20 minutes there is an awakening for Emmet when he flings himself off the edge of the universe only to discover there is a whole other world out there, and that the goings on in his world are merely a creation by the people of the “real world.” Absurdist philosopher Albert Camus talks about the absurdity of existence and realizing the absurdity of the world that you live in. In his philosophical essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Sisyphus is doomed in hell for an eternity rolling a rock up a hill then rolls it down and has to repeat the process again and again. “The workman of today works every day …show more content…

We live by some sort of instructions as well, some societal norms. We are born, grow up, get some form of education, find an occupation, get married, start a family and eventually retire, settle into old or old age and eventually die. And repeat, this is what would be Das Man. In Martin Heidegger’s work Being and Time introduced the concept of Das Man, which can be translated as ‘the they’ or ‘the one’. Das Man is “the way of being human that is the norm of society.” Heidegger saw that while we live out the norms of society, he realized that we are able to find authenticity and understand the mystery of ‘being.’ Da Sein is ‘being’, Heidegger used this to describe the state where we are not acting out societal norms, instead we make authentic choices. We become the builders of our own life. Just like the Master builders who make independent choices about what they build. We become authentic when we make our own choices. For Emmet when he finally made his own choice, without the instructions, ‘prophecy’ and what was expected of him he was finally living in his authentic

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