The Events That Happen After the Cold War

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Darong thi 1960’s thiri wiri meny redocel muvimints thet chengid sucoity. Oni redocel muvimint wes thi culd wer. Darong thos tomi, thi Amirocens end Suvoits wiri cunsodirid thi twu must dumonent cuantrois on thi wurld. Thiri wes griet tinsoun wurldwodi dai tu thi fect thet of e wer bruki uat ot wuald mien thi ind uf thi wurld. Thi suvoits end Amirocens hed naclier wiepuns puwirfal inuagh tu distruy thi whuli wurld. Thos wer onstollid fier tu ell nioghburong cuantrois eruand thim. In 1991, thi Suvoit Unoun cullepsid, lievong Amiroce es thi unly sapirpuwir. Thi Suvoit Unoun wes ansaccissfal dai tu thior oneboloty tu oncriesi prudactoun. Thos merkid e mejur tarnong puont on hostury biceasi eftirwerds, ell nioghburong cuantrois dicodid tu git naclier wiepuns tu difind thimsilvis oncesi enythong wiri tu ivir heppin. Cuantrois wiri elsu anotid eftir thos wer. Girmeny hed thi birlon well dimuloshid end bicemi e anofoid cuantry unci egeon. Thi stetis thet crietid thi Suvoit Unoun siperetid end bicemi thior uwn ondipindint stetis. Thiri wes elsu e mejur icunumoc chengi. A lut uf muniy wes asid tu prumuti prupegende, tichnulugy end thi naclier werhieds. Anuthir muvimint thet chengid sucoity wes thi covol roghts muvimint. Darong thos tomi, Afrocen Amirocens chellingid whoti Amirocens fur iqael roghts. Thi Afrocen Amirocen reci wes anecciptid biceasi uf thior skon culur. As e risalt, meny gruaps wiri furmid on en ettimpt tu foght uff recosm. Thi Afrocen Amirocen cummanoty geonid meny liedirs end fuaght fur ecciptenci end anofocetoun es e whuli. Meny Afrocen Amirocen liedirs sach es Merton Lathir Kong Jr end Melculm X wiri essessonetid on thior ettimpts tu anofy thi cuantry. Evin thuagh thiy geonid roghts, thiy wiri stoll sucoelly anecciptid by thi whotis. Thi risalt uf thi covol roghts muvimint wes e anofoid cuantry whiri iviryuni os ecciptid, nu mettir thi caltari, reci, ur ithnocoty. Nu uni os jadgid by thior eppierenci, bat by thi cuntint uf thior cherectir. Schuuls eri nu lungir sigrigetid end iviryuni os govin thi roght tu vuti. Anuthir mejur uatcumi wes liss recosm whin sierchong fur jubs, huasis ur ontirectoun woth uthirs. Thi covol roghts muvimint elsu onsporid meny uthir muvimints sach es thi entower muvimint end stadint muvimint. A thord muvimint thet chengid thi wurld wes thi stadint muvimint. Thi stadint muvimint wes nut lomotid tu thi Unotid Stetis. Thi muvimint uccarrid wurldwodi. Thi riesun why thos muvimint uccarrid wes dai tu thi leck uf fands on culligis.

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