Analysis Of The Euripides Play Medea

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The Euripides Play Medea the character of Medea does fit Aristotle’s Percepts because of the Aristotelian arc which States that a Character must be of a high class, must be relate able, and actions must follow that of the class they are in. [Aristotle Poetics] Medea was Princesses of the country of Colchis. Her father King Aeetes agreed to let her husband Jason get the Golden Fleece if he would preform three impossible tasks Task I was to get the yolk of the fire breathing oxen Task 2 was to plant dragon teeth and 3 kill the soldiers that came for the teeth. Jason did so and left with Medea who hade been helping him all along. “To complete this tasks Jason enlisted the help Of Medea the Daughter of King Aeetes”. [page 2 Johnson] …show more content…

”Come, I must be Medea Hecate’s servant artist of potions and spells of guile” [Medea page 50] She was born and Goddess the granddaughter of Helios. Listen to the voice of her suffering. Her what others hear, that Jason’s absurd marriage was made by outwitting you ,daughter of a king, granddaughter of the Sun”![Medea Page 50] She uses her kids to kill the Princess and frame Jason. “No, the children are the bait I’ll use to trap and kill the Princess, Each will bear a gift to her one a priceless gown, the other a diadem of supple gold [Medea page …show more content…

[Aristotle Poetics] Medea was Princesses of the country of Colchis. Her father King Aeetes agreed to let her husband Jason get the Golden Fleece if he would preform three impossible tasks Task I was to get the yolk of the fire breathing oxen Task 2 was to plant dragon teeth and 3 kill the soldiers that came for the teeth. Jason did so and left with Medea who hade been helping him all along. “To complete this tasks Jason enlisted the help Of Medea the Daughter of King Aeetes”. [page 2 Johnson] as they were leaving Colchis Medea killed her brother and chopped him into pieces to slow the boats down of anyone perusing them “Before I betrayed my father, before I butchered my brother then dropped him from the Argo piece by piece l like bait I made Jason swear to love and honor for after my shameful treason I thought only great oaths would keep me bound to him”. potions and spells of guile” [Medea page

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