The Importance Of Ethics In Sports

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There is need for ethics in sports within athletic competition today. Without ethics, there are no moral grounds or rules with which to lead a healthy, competitive athletic lifestyle today. Whether young or old, all athletes struggle creating a strong foundation within a world of winning and losing. Where does this foundation originate from? Ethics and sports go hand-in-hand. “If you have good character, you’re a diligent worker and you do what your coaches ask you to do,’ says Richt. ‘All of our players are talented, but the ones who don’t have extra baggage of being in trouble academically, socially, or something else seem to rise to the top.’” (Maxwell, p.42)

Coach Mark Richt explains above what a leader would describe as an athlete with good ethics. Much of the “extra baggage” comes when an athlete has no foundation in their life, not just in athletics. But, what are “good” ethics? Are they just morals or ground rules to live by? Who creates them? Would having strong, religious-based ethics in life constitute for a more concrete game in athletics today? Instead of trying to change sports through their religious beliefs and morals, they [Christian athletes] rather seem to choose to live the paradox. The only situation, which seems to create a real problem, is when game …show more content…

Not only did he break the morality and destroy the integrity of the program, he violated the trust and leadership that was expected of him. The athletic director in this situation did do the right thing by suspending the coach pending the investigation, but he allowed the coach to go to another school by releasing him through IHSAA (Indiana High School Athletic Association) guidelines. He essentially washed his hands of the situation and allowed this coach to move and continue to coach young, impressionable females. Though Renihan served his time, he eventually married the young athlete and had children with

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