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Time Management Essay This time management project assignment has been an eye opener to how I spend my time. Tracking my daily life in a detailed schedule has helped me come to realized how much time I actual did spend on the little things. And also how much more time I would like to spend on the more important things in life rather than the things that don’t matter in the long run. Such as me always making sure my house was picked up and everything was put away, in the long run my kids won’t remember whether are house was messy or clean just the fun memories that they have made. I also feel as though I fill my life with so many things whether they are important or not and it leaves little freedom for free time and exploring with my kids. I do understand that adults and children thrive on a repetitive schedule that being said. I also think that it can be good to have some spontaneous times in your life. I am furthermore pleased I already had a set day to day schedule before I started school here at PIMA medical institute. If not my family and I would have been in a battle trying to a...

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