smoke ventilation

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Smoke Ventilation

Firefighters, lately defined as heroes, have a very exciting job and do some pretty amazing things. My main interests however, is how firefighters ventilate heat and smoke from a structure fire. What pieces of equipment do they use? How do they use those pieces of equipment? Why ventilation is so important and why do they take certain precautions when using their equipment?

Growing up in the woods has made my life a lot more different than an average city slicker. You see, I have a thing about fire. It is one thing that is very interesting to me. Some things that are interesting about fire is that it grows very fast and it is very dangerous, but that never stops me from playing with it. No, I’m not a pyro and I don’t set things on fire to harm anyone or anything, I just love the way it look and the way it works. A friend of mine that everyone knows named Smokey said to me, “ Only you can prevent forest fires,” so I do. When it comes to arsine fires I get very disappointed in the person that does it because that to me show that person doesn’t care about our forests and nature. I only except natural fires because it is natural and it is apart of life.

I really grew interested in Smoke Ventilation when my friend Dj,( who is in the process of becoming part of the Mariposa CDF program), told me about how smoke itself can start a fire, if hot enough. I asked him if he could tell me more about Smoke Ventilation, so he gave me some helpful information. I also wanted to learn what considerations must be made when dealing with a structure fire, and what are the important aspects of strategy and tactics. It turns out that Dj also had information on that as well. I asked him for the information he new along with the work he had finished in his class. He gave me some packets called,” Fire Fighting Technology,” which teaches a person about Smoke Ventilation and the important aspects of strategy and tactics.

Becoming a Firefighter is a big step and it takes a person with a strong mind, body and soul, not to mention common sense. It also take a strong will to learn and work hard. Firefighting is no game and it is something that is really hard to do. Smoke Ventilation is something that a person needs to take very seriously and they...

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...pinion, which means that the people aren’t to happy with a lot of smoke flowing all over their neighborhood, but it is something that they have to deal with or the fire will spread and cause more damage. Another disadvantage of ventilation is that it costs to much for the training process for firefighters, but it is a good technic. Also, another disadvantage is that there can be a serious case of water damage do to the firefighters spraying water through the ventilated spots. Other disadvantages are that when performing a cut for vertical ventilation, it could cause some weird fire movement towards flammable substances and can be extremely dangerous to a firefighter.

Smoke ventilation is one long and one hard process. It takes a lot of work and a lot of good judgement to perform it correctly. I never new how much information there was for smoke ventilation. A person must have a lot of guts to become a firefighter because I know now that firefighting is something that takes a lot of bravery and will power. I was told by my friend Dj, “ With every action, there always is a reaction, so you got to take each step one by one, or you’ll be six feet under.”

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