sigmund freud

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Freud was born Freiberg moravia in 1856, he enrolled in medical school in 1873 and he became the world's capital of medicine. Freud received his doctor of medicine when he was only twenty four. He spend three years as a resident physician at a general hospital and the medical center of Vienna. He also spent five months in the psychiatry which is the area of medicine that involves emotional and mental health. During the last part of his residency he had got some money to make his neurological studies abroad. In doing this he spend 4 months at the Salpetriere clinic in paris and france, there he studied under the neurologist. in 1825 - 1893 he first became interested in hysteria, which is a illness when a person complains of symptoms without medical cause. Freud soon devoted his efforts to the treatment of hysterical patients with the help of hypnosis. in 1923 he developed a cancerous growth in his mouth which eventually led to his death. Sigmund was a american psychologist and the founder of psychoanalysis in 1806 he returned to Vienna and opened a private practice specialising in nervous and brain disorders, and married. He found he could get patients to talk by just putting them in a relaxing position. Then he could find out what they had he says it could have something to do with the traumatic events in their past. Freud published the interpretation of Dreams in 1900 and introduced the wider public to the notion of the unconscious mind. Freud was appointed professor at the university of Vienna and began to gather a devoted following. In 1909 Freud made his first international presentation of his theories at Clark University in Massachusetts. By then his name was become known, When he found out he had cancer in his jaw he was 67... ... middle of paper ... to freud's theory a strong superego manages to constrain biological instincts while a weak superego will give up on them. Without Id we wouldn't have any of the other ones, we are born with Id. We cry when we want something or need something just like now we get upset if we don't get what we want or what we need. It seems impossible to satisfy all our needs and wants and sometimes they might not get done and we could go through anxiety or tension. The Id is really important in our lives because we need our needs to be met in order for survival. The responsibility for the Ego is dealing with reality. The ego seeks pleasure just like the Id does, but the Id seeks pleasure and does not care and the Ego seeks pleasure and tries to prevent pain. The superego or the ideal self is to put a picture in our head of how we should behave according to rules of society.

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