quiz 3

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1. The new classical vocal form was created at the end of the 19th century that included the orchestra is etude (french word for study). Etude was written in the early 20th century and oversaw numerous collections of etudes. Major composers such as Claude Debussy and Franz Liszt achieve this form in the concert repertoires that features didactic pieces from earlies times like vocal solfeggi and keyboard. 2. The aspect of Claude Debussy's music were different from the music that preceded it were melodic, rhythmic, harmonic, and timbral that organized around qualities of patterns and relationships. Claude Debussy was the first composer to use alternative musical concept that were based on symmetrical patterns and structure and highly weakened directional motion of the music, and he had a ambiguous sense of organizing tonality. 3. The two important works by Richard Strauss were: Don Juan and Don Quixote. Don Juan was one of Richard Strauss' early work of art. It's about a tale of a hero his entanglement that this piece captures the dramatic feel of Don Juan himself. Don Quixote was a to...

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