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Levinas's Account of the Relationship Between Totality and Infinity

Totality and infinity: An essay on exteriority, is regarded one of Levinas's most influential work on phenomenology. It is evident that his philosophical thinking was much influenced by Husserl and Heidegger's phenomenology. Most of his argument on totality and infinity based on to establishing truly free, independent self. He used phenomenological method to explain the two basic kind of relationship to the world. For him in term of being as totality is an ontological relationship which centralise our experience, (be it the being of our subjective cogito or the being of the immanent, finite cosmos). According this perspective it is a being with in self. And the other relationship is metaphysical which decentralise our experience and opens as to the infinite otherness of transcendence. The totality is related to the philosophy of nature, which through human subject can be accorded its place in the totalising scheme of things, the infinity approve the primacy of an ethical philosophy. It shows how man's relationship to man can transcend the natural rapport of ownership, power and belongingness, in search of be good beyond being. his argument intended to show distinction between self and other, politics and ethics, totality and infinity. In the sense each of this pair make the latter term possible the former term, without including the reality the former term into itself. In relation to self and other Levinas's argument is not intended for altruism, but in reality the view of ethics imply on dichotomy between self and other, however for ethic of infinite responsibility that make self justly independent selves possible.
For Levinas ethic is movement beyo...

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... familiar after second world war, totalitarianism. Which reflects total war. Furthermore it stresses on that nothing to be left out. Total war, it means use of any and means all to prosecute the war. In a sense not making differences between enemy either civilians or soldier. In another word totalitarianism means every life is under control of state. Levinas argues that war makes an order, which no one can escape it from the war. Nothing hereafter is exterior, wars does not evident to the exteriority on the transcendence in the face of other. Morality, is opposite of this, is that one need to maintain exteriority, one need to preserve the other as other. To proceed into moral realms. He said that to continued from the experience of totality breaks up, a situation condition itself. This kind of situation is light of exteriority or transcendence in the face of other.

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