pet therapy

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1. Studies have shown that the children who grow up in homes with animals have a better ability to show empathy later and as adults. Pets are easy to communicate with, and their body language is much simpler than a human’s. This simple body language allows children to learn to empathize with them, a skill they can carry with them as they go through life (Holistic Online, 2007).
Every person needs physical touch, no matter what. We are made to thrive off of it. There are some people that for whatever reason are not comfortable with the physical touch of another human. Many of these people are those that have been either physically or sexually abused. The use of pet therapy allows them to have an experience touch in a very non-threatening way, making a world of a difference through appropriate physical contact. For those in a hospital, every time they are touched it is painful. Pet therapy can be one of the few methods of touch that is pain free and pleasant (Holistic Online, 2007).
The presence of animals allows many people to relax. Studies and tests have shown the decrease in heart rate and blood pressure to be dramatic around animals. Something as simple as watching fish has even shown have relaxing effects. In any type of healthcare, one of the most important aspects is the therapeutic relationship with the patients or clients. Sometimes this relationship may be challenging to build. Animals can be used to open a channel of emotionally safe and non-threatening communication in the relationship. The simple presence of an animal may open a path through their resistance and allow the professional to come inside. The presence of animals is extremely effective with children. They are much more likely to project t...

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... that improves their self-esteem. It allows them to break down the tough image that they feel they have to keep up in front of the other inmates, and allows them to show their more compassionate side. These penitentiaries have found fewer disciplinary problems with their inmates than the prisons that do not use pets (Abrahms, 2007).

Works Cited

Abrahms, Sally. 1998-2007. The Power of Pets. Retrieved November 12, 2013 from
Oakley, Dawn. & Bardin, Gail. The Potential Benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy For Children With Special Needs. Retrieved from
The Benefits We Experience When Pets (Animals) Are Beside Us. 1998-2007. Retrieved November 12, 2013 from

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