Therapy Dog Research Paper

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Some medical professionals do not believe that mental health patients can benefit from therapy dogs and go as far as saying it is a risk far as to say that it is a to the patient and compromise the patients ability to take care of the dog. When people who suffer with mental health issues qualify to get a therapy dog. The mental health patient is tested to see if they are capable of taking care of the dog. Those in need of assistance should use therapy dogs frequently do to the part of the benefits to using these pets to improve mental and emotional health as and physical health. Therapy dogs are beneficial to people who suffer from mental health issues by providing companionship as well as support. Some people with mental health issues have a hard time trusting others and need someone to talk to; Service dogs are important because to make they people with mental health problems feel better and help people with these disorders deal with their emotions. Individuals with PTSD have a hard time coping with their symptoms as well as trusting others ;therefore, therapy dogs are beneficial to help developing coping skills by taking the dog out for a walk extra sizing releases endorphins. Although some medical professionals don’t believe that therapy dogs help a survey done by people diagnosed wit PTSD reported that "82% of them …show more content…

In addition, Some elderly people have cardiovascular health problems. Cardiovascular problems occur when people get older , peoples heats can’t beat as fast during fiscal activity or stress as when they were younger. Therapy dogs could help “improve cardiovascular health.” (“?”) Service dogs are traind to Perform specific tasks to help mental health patients. People who have taken care of the elderly " have seen elderly with significant dementia who can be aggressive or mean, change their behavior when there is an animal around."

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