jkjnkj jhkj

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Water Skiing has two primary body positions. In order to get up on skis the knees must be bent at a 90 degree angle, the elbows slightly bent, and the feet must be pointed straight up allowing the skis to be above water without crossing. The next main position is once your up on skis. You must stand straight up, leaning back to keep the rope tight, knees slightly bent, and arms comfortably straight out.
These two positions involve your whole body. However, the basic body parts that need to function to ski are your knees, back, arms, shoulders, and ankles. Without these body parts properly functioning there would need to be other aspects adapted to skiing in order to participate.
The movements involved in skiing can vary because it depends on the types of skiing your using like trick skis or solemn skis. Gross motor movements would be the ability to lean back, holding your head up, hunch your knees up, standing up, lean side to side to cut waves, and swimming. Fine motor movements include putting on swimsuit, gripping the ski rope, fastening skis, buckling life jacket, and signaling to the boat driver.
A primary sense that would be involved would be sight because you need to be able to communicate to the driver, see where your skis are pointed, to see the waves coming so you can bend your knees. A skier would hear the boat motor, wind, other boaters, spectators, and possibly the people in the boat. They would feel the water touching them, the skis underneath their feet, the life vest securely around their chest, and ski rope they’re holding on to. The only typical smell would be the gas from the boat motor and taste would be if the skier got water in their mouth at.
A skier must coordinate their movement with the boat. If th...

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...ent but the equipment cost a very pretty penny. The equipment cost would include the water skis, life jacket, swimsuit, ski rope and handle, boat, boat motor, and possibly gloves and a wet suit.
Water skiing also requires a body of water that allows wake and you need a boat driver who has their boat safety, and a person to spot you if you fall or need assistance.
This activity can last all day or you may just do it for an hour or sore. A typical water skier will want to go on only five minutes loops because of the endurance it requires.
There are no gender restrictions. The only thing that differs between the two is the type of skis they may use due to height and weight differences. There are no age restrictions on water skiing but most often you won’t find a toddler or senior citizen water skiing because of the physical and cognitive aspects that must be met first.

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