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Gender is set so thoroughly in our actions, beliefs, and desires, so that to us it appears to be completely natural (Eckert and McConnell, year/pg. unknown). A major part of gender identity is understanding the difference between sex and gender. Sociology shows and explains the major differences between sex and gender (Tischler, 2011, p. 247). While sex refers to the physical and biological differences between men and women, gender refers to the attributes of masculinity and femininity that are based on biological distinctions (Tischler, 2011, p. 247). Gender is not something we are born with but is something we do (West and Zimmerman 1987). There are many common beliefs between males and females and how they are supposed to act and how they are supposed to be. In today’s generation, people are exposed to many forms or mass media like magazines, TV shows, movies and much more. Media gives off the ideas of what males and females are supposed to be like compared to how people actually are and can be in real life. The media gives off certain impressions of what people are supposed to be like and how they think people are supposed to act. The media shows situations and relationships from other people’s point of view, which this barely fails to affect our own way of conducting ourselves and our expectations of other people’s behavior (Gauntlett, 2008, p 2-3). In the modern world, there is a weird mix of the idea of equal and unequal, whereas men and women can feel equal but also understand that at the same time are not (Gauntlett, 2008, p.3-4). Gauntell states in 2008 that women do have the right to do all the things those men can do but are aware that in some situations that isn’t always the case (p.4). Typic...

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...ed in the article only showed pictures of men performing the actions of the process (Fried, et al., 2014, p.54). These magazines give off the stereotypes of the ideal roles of men. Besides just becoming a businessman and having a job, these magazines show men to be strong, how they should look, and even some of the same things as women. Even though these magazines can portray the same ideas to both men and women, the messages received are very much different. Men are still looked at in superior way compared to women. Men will always be considered the stronger, more independent one between males and females due to media portraying them in this way. The differences between the men and women magazines are very clear. The stereotypes created by the media is the reason why is it is looked down upon when those stereotypes aren’t followed by a certain group of people.

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