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Neighborhood Social disorganization is another aspect that falls under multiple marginalization. Sociologists often define this as a neighborhood’s lack of collective efficacy. Collective efficacy is, “the shared power of a group of connected and engaged individuals to influence the maintenance of public order” (Sampson). So when we say that a neighborhood lack collective efficacy, we mean that they lack cohesion and unity, often times leading to lack of order. Collective efficacy doesn’t always have to come from a neighborhood. It can be from any unit that helps shape and mold a child as he or she grows up, such as school, organizations, friends, church, etc. When collective efficacy is present in a child’s life, it pulls him away from gangs and helps to raise him. It is like an imaginary village family. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the suburbs my entire life. My neighborhood has a great amount of collective efficacy. Everyone knows one another, it’s like I grew up having over 20 mothers. All of your elders know who you are, where you are from, and who you belong to. So if you even think about doing something that you know is wrong, there is always someone three to steer you back into the right direction. This is the whole idea behind collective efficacy, to have a group or neighborhood that is there to fill in the cracks and nurture you as a parent would. Socially disorganized neighborhoods are characterized as areas that have high levels of concentrated disadvantages. A majority of the inner city youth come from damaged single parent homes that are segregated to the outskirts of the ghetto. The importance of family or lack thereof guidance, is a major contribution to why the youth seeks out gangs. Vigil explains that a... ... middle of paper ... ...ary for the lifestyle with the big house that has the “white picket fence” that we all dream of having one day. It is critical for us to know that inner city minorities weren’t always at a disadvantage socially; it wasn’t always “bad” or as I like to say “the struggle is real!” So what happened, you ask? There was time period when African American’s were considered well skilled citizens of America. Unity in the African American community is a way of living that is held to the highest till this day. “The Black community enjoyed a lessening of racial tension and considerable degree of acceptance” (Vigil, Pg. 64). This community valued social order and collective efficacy, and relied on one another when in need of assistance. “Los Angeles’ African Americans enjoyed unity and relative economic prosperity—over one third of the families owned their homes” (Vigil, Pg. 65).

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