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The goals that I have planned for my future will require dedication, new knowledge, and skills. These are the requirements that I will consistently have to work towards if I want to be able to provide for my future family, assist my parents and grandparents financially, and live a good life. I want to be able to have the skills necessary to become useful in our society. My primary objective is to be able to take care of my loved ones. However to attain that goal, I must complete my secondary objective which would be to become an accountant. A course that I have taken in high school to help prepare myself for this career is Business and Information Management 1. This class has taught me the basics to all of the Microsoft Office programs, as well as basic business skills and etiquette. I am also taking a college level economics course, which to me is one of the most interesting and useful classes that I have taken as it is all about the choices that people make. However, these courses alone are not enough for me to attain my goals in life. I want to attend college and gain new insight on how to enter into the profession of my choice. I realize that maintaining a decent grade point average in college is no easy task, however I feel that I am quite prepared for the challenge. This confidence stems from the courses that I have taken while in high school, as the vast majority of them were Pre-AP, AP, and dual credit classes. These courses have given me experience with college assignments along with the classroom atmosphere of an institution of higher education. In college, once I have obtained a Bachelor's degree, I will continue my studies to earn a Master's degree as well. I want to continue to learn to stay at the top. W... ... middle of paper ... ...cipate within the clubs and organizations there as well. I feel that it is necessary to commit oneself with local events and be able to network with other people, as it is an essential part for someone who is starting their career. Through the national organizations that I am a part of such as NHS, NTHS, SkillsUSA, and People to People, I will be able to get my name further out than I would have been able to locally with Student Council or Interact Club. With my current and future academics, along with my association with organizations, I will accomplish my goals. I plan to use my skills and knowledge to find a career so that I may be able to provide for the wants and needs of my family as well as for myself. I owe my parents for all the years they have spent rearing me. I need to be able to support them, just as they have supported me and I intend to do just that.

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